[ 复数 rags 第三人称单数 rags 现在分词 ragging 过去式 ragged 过去分词 ragged ]
... radius n.半径 radius 范围, 辐射光线, 有效航程, 范围, 界限--radi辐射+us我们--半径 rag n.破布,碎布,抹布 run 跑 r和run有强烈的关系,很多r开头的单词之首的字母r其实就是run的缩影 ...
Rag & Bone 瑞格布恩 ; 布恩 ; 波西米亚网状 ; 小披肩大衣
RAG MART 爱佳乐 ; 碎布市场 ; 爱家乐
chew the rag 唠叨不断 ; 闲聊 ; 聊天
a rag man 收破烂的人
all rag paper 全棉纤维纸 ; 全棉纤维
cotton rag 棉纱口罩
rag bolt [机] 棘螺栓 ; 地脚螺栓
rag paper [纸] 碎布优质纸 ; 粗纸 ; 布料纸 ; 含有破布浆的纸张
RAG FAIR 拉格菲尔 ; 奥村政佳
N-VAR A rag is a piece of old cloth which you can use to clean or wipe things. 抹布
He was wiping his hands on an oily rag.
N-PLURAL Rags are old torn clothes. 破烂衣服
There were men, women, and small children, some dressed in rags.
N-COUNT People refer to a newspaper as a rag when they have a poor opinion of it. 质量低劣的报纸 [非正式]
"This man Tom works for a local rag," he said.
V-T If someone rags you, they tease you in a friendly way. (善意地) 揶揄 [非正式]
"They always rag me about my car," he says.
N a boisterous practical joke, esp one on a fellow student (对同学的)恶作剧; 玩笑 [英国英语]
N a period, usually a week, in which various events are organized to raise money for charity, including a procession of decorated floats and tableaux (英国大学的)慈善筹款周; 慈善筹款期
N (as modifier) 慈善筹款周的; 慈善筹款期的
rag day
N a piece of ragtime music 一首拉格泰姆音乐
V to compose or perform in ragtime 谱写拉格泰姆音乐; 演奏拉格泰姆音乐
N a roofing slate that is rough on one side 屋顶石板