[ 复数 tells 第三人称单数 tells 现在分词 telling 过去式 told 过去分词 told ]
William Tell 威廉·退尔 ; 威廉·泰尔 ; 威廉泰尔 ; 威廉退尔
Tell Me Why 告诉我为什么 ; 美国版十万个为什么 ; 你的离开 ; 告诉我真相
Tell me 告诉我 ; 潘玮柏 ; 说说看 ; 你说
Don't Tell Me 闭上你的嘴 ; 不要告诉我 ; 能不能不要说 ; 别告诉我
Tell Target 告知目标 ; 告诉目标 ; 指定目标对象 ; 告诉目的
tell the truth 说实话 ; 实说 ; 讲真话
tell a story 讲故事 ; 说谎 ; 讲一个故事 ; 说故事
Tell it like it is 实话实说 ; 如它所是地说它 ; 真话实说 ; 唱片名
The Tell-Tale Heart 告密的心 ; 泄密的心 ; 保密的心 ; 我的心像海水
同义词: William Tell
"tell me what is bothering you"
"He could tell that she was unhappy"
"I tell you that man is a crook!"
同义词: assure
"he was telling on all his former colleague"
同义词: evidence
同义词: distinguish separate differentiate secern secernate severalize severalise tell apart
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T If you tell someone something, you give them information. 告诉 (某人某事)
In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis I got the job.
I called Andie to tell her how spectacular the stuff looked.
Claire had made me promise to tell her the truth.
V-T If you tell something such as a joke, a story, or your personal experiences, you communicate it to other people using speech. 讲述 (笑话、故事、个人经历等)
His friends say he was always quick to tell a joke.
He told his story to The L.A. Times and produced photographs.
V-T If you tell someone to do something, you order or advise them to do it. 命令; 建议 (某人做某事)
He said officers told him to get out of his car and lean against it.
V-T If you tell yourself something, you put it into words in your own mind because you need to encourage or persuade yourself about something. 叮嘱 (自己)
"Come on," she told herself.
V-T If you can tell what is happening or what is true, you are able to judge correctly what is happening or what is true. 判断 [no cont, oft with brd-neg]
It was already impossible to tell where the bullet had entered.
V-T If you can tell one thing from another, you are able to recognize the difference between it and other similar things. 辨别 [no cont, oft with brd-neg]
I can't really tell the difference between their policies and ours.
How do you tell one from another?
V-I If you tell, you reveal or give away a secret. 泄密 [非正式]
Many of the children know who they are but are not telling.
V-T If facts or events tell you something, they reveal certain information to you through ways other than speech. (事实、事件) 告诉 (某人某事)
The facts tell us that this is not true.
I don't think the unemployment rate ever tells us much about the future.
V-I If an unpleasant or tiring experience begins to tell, it begins to have a serious effect. (让人不愉快或疲倦的经历) 产生严重影响
It wasn't long before the strain began to tell on our relationship.
→ see also telling
PHRASE You use as far as I can tell or so far as I could tell to indicate that what you are saying is based on the information you have, but that there may be things you do not know. 就某人判断 [含糊]
As far as I can tell, Jason is basically a nice guy.
CONVENTION You can say "I tell you," "I can tell you," or "I can't tell you" to add emphasis to what you are saying. 我告诉你/我可以告诉你/我没法告诉你 (用以强调) [非正式]
I tell you this, I will not rest until that day has come.
CONVENTION If someone disagrees with you or refuses to do what you suggest and you are eventually proved to be right, you can say "I told you so." 我早跟你说过 [非正式]
Her parents did not approve of her decision and, if she failed, her mother would say, "I told you so."
CONVENTION You use I'll tell you what or I tell you what to introduce a suggestion or a new topic of conversation. 你听我说 (用以引入建议或新话题) [口语]
I tell you what, I'll bring the beer over to your house.
to tell the time →see time
time will tell →see time
Today we tell about one of the most influential social scientists of the last century the cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead.
VOA: special.2010.01.17
Owen, they have a mat on a table, and he's sitting there, meditating, did I ever tell you about this?
OK, clearly we'd be much better off if we had some systematic quantitative way to tell whether something would happen spontaneously.