That in the blue area France, and in the red area Great Britain, shall be allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab state or confederation of Arab states.
"I think it fit quite well, " said Rubin, the former vice president of Aris Isotoner Inc.
Rep. MATHESON: Well, I think we fit in quite well because - not just in this election we just had, but if you go back over the past three or four elections, the vast majority of seats that Democrats have picked up that have now ultimately given the Democratic Party the majority have been Blue Dogs.
"I think Cuba will fit very well into that jigsaw, and be very popular, " he adds.
And we don't think it should fit that mold given who those supporters are.
Liam Fox: But I don't think that politicians fit in to those pigeon holes.
"We're a pretty conservative bunch, and I think that I fit right in with those values of the people here, " said Rep.-elect Ellsworth.
CNN: If it walks, talks like a conservative, can it be a Dem?
Your mileage will vary, but I think my profile would fit the average user.
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Whether or not most Turks believe in his conversion, a lot of them clearly think Mr Erdogan is fit to run Turkey.
"She's going to be well respected for her intelligence and her abilities and I think she'll fit in really well, " he added.
But although it has lost its "quality mark" - a badge that shows the authorities think it is "fit for purpose", it is still being used as the basis for setting some pension payments.
BBC: UK inflation rate nudged up to 2.8% by rising fuel costs
So I think all of these fit into a category that are in an area -- where everything you do people study closely -- should be a place where we can have a kind of serious discussion and accomplish them.
As a technocrat-turned-politician, Mrs Guigou, think her admirers, would fit the bill nicely.
And a crippled phone (say, with a tiny memory, or no camera) would, I think at least, not fit the Apple image.
"It has got an awful lot of information in it - some of it's good, some of it I don't think is going to be fit for purpose, " he said.
"I don't think that video games could fit within the 'exception francaise' because it is very difficult for us to convince the government that what we do is culture, " says Mr Baudet.
The coach was friendly, the club is well-organised, but I don't think it's a good fit for me.
Tweens especially are hypersensitive about what their friends think of them and how they fit in, so that part of their life is probably getting more attention than family right now.
Most analysts (and really anyone who happens to have a functioning set of eyes) tends to think the option is a bad fit for the modern NFL if only because its defensive players are bigger, faster and hit about 10 times harder.
Then we select three or four that we think have the right background that may fit into the company.
You'd think the smaller PadFone 2 would easily fit into the bigger bay in the new PadFone Station (using the same special micro-USB socket), but interestingly, it didn't work for us.
ENGADGET: ASUS PadFone Infinity vs. PadFone 2... fight! Mobile
Of course, tech of this kind isn't necessarily intended for households -- not yet, anyway -- it makes for a more natural fit in commercial environments (think: airports, car dealerships or wireless retailers).
ENGADGET: 3M Touch Systems 84-inch Projected Capacitive Display hands-on
Investment bankers think that only a few of them are fit to go public.
Owen I think was in the same boat, not quite fit in the last match.
And if you were to say that something thousands of times more powerful than the one computer that thousands of us shared at MIT would fit in your pocket, people would think you were crazy.
FORBES: Ray Kurzweil on Using Exponential Thinking to Predict the Future
"I think there are a lot of women who can fit that bill, and it's really important to us that we don't lose another seat in the U.S. Senate, " said Cathy Lasry, president of the organization.
CNN: Pressure's on for New York governor to pick female senator
"We never really saw the true Vasbert at Warwickshire because I don't think at any point throughout the summer he was fully fit, " Smith told BBC Sport Online.