[ 复数 sweets 比较级 sweeter或more sweet 最高级 sweetest或most sweet ]
Sweet 望着弟弟的背景,李玉锦的心里泛起(Thrown)阵阵悲哀,也伴着些许甜蜜(Sweet):一定要想办法让小弟每天背着书包上学去。妈妈去世后,她带着弟弟去上坟,痛哭一阵后,她马上变得坚强起来,脸上有笑容.
sweet potato 地瓜 ; 蕃薯 ; [作物] 甘薯 ; 红薯
Sweet Pea 香碗豆 ; 香豌豆花 ; 甜豌豆 ; 香豌豆
Sweet corn 玉米 ; [作物] 甜玉米 ; 粟米 ; 玉米潮流本铺
Sweet Dreams 甜蜜梦幻 ; 甜蜜的梦 ; 甜美的梦
sweet water 淡水
Sweet Almond Oil 甜杏仁油 ; 杏仁油 ; 甜杏油 ; 手工皂油脂甜杏仁油
sweet heart 幸福接力棒 ; 幸福接力 ; 甜心步 ; 甜美心情
sweet spot 甜蜜点 ; 最佳听音位置 ; 甜蜜地带
Sweet Spy 甜蜜间谍
ADJ Sweet food and drink contains a lot of sugar. 甜的
...a mug of sweet tea.
If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar.
sweetness N-UNCOUNT 甜味
Florida oranges have a natural sweetness.
ADJ A sweet smell is a pleasant one, for example the smell of a flower. 芳香的
...the sweet smell of her shampoo.
ADJ A sweet sound is pleasant, smooth, and gentle. 悦耳的
Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girl's.
sweetly ADV 悦耳地
He sang much more sweetly than he has before.
ADJ If you describe something as sweet, you mean that it gives you great pleasure and satisfaction. 令人痛快的 [书面]
There are few things quite as sweet as revenge.
ADJ If you describe someone as sweet, you mean that they are pleasant, kind, and gentle toward other people. 温柔的
He was a sweet man but when he drank he tended to quarrel.
sweetly ADV 温柔地
I just smiled sweetly and said no.
ADJ If you describe a small person or thing as sweet, you mean that they are attractive in a simple or unsophisticated way. (小孩或小东西) 可爱的 [非正式]
...a sweet little baby girl.
N-PLURAL Sweets are foods that have a lot of sugar. 甜食 [美国英语]
To maintain her weight, she simply chooses fruits and vegetables over fats and sweets.
N-COUNT Sweets are small sweet things such as chocolates and mints. 糖果 [英国英语]
N-VAR A sweet is the same as a . 餐后甜点 [英国英语]
→ see also sweetness
a sweet tooth →see tooth